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Transforming Education to Protect Children’s Rights in Emergencies and Crises
An appeal for global action
This advocacy brief has been developed to support and expand on the G7 Call for International Cooperation to Protect Children’s Right to Education in Emergencies and Crises developed by the G7 2022 Education Advocacy Working Group co-chaired by World Vision International and Oxfam, supporting the advocacy efforts of Global Campaign for Education national education coalitions and advocates in G7 countries, and endorsed by a total of 65 individual organisations in addition to those represented by national education coalitions (see Annex). It further aims to build visibility, momentum, and...
This advocacy brief has been developed to support and expand on the G7 Call for International Cooperation to Protect Children’s Right to Education in Emergencies and Crises developed by the G7 2022 Education Advocacy Working Group co-chaired by World Vision International and Oxfam, supporting the advocacy efforts of Global Campaign for Education national education coalitions and advocates in G7 countries, and endorsed by a total of 65 individual organisations in addition to those represented by national education coalitions (see Annex). It further aims to build visibility, momentum, and stakeholder support to these issues in the lead-up to the United Nations Transforming Education Summit.
This advocacy brief was developed by World Vision International with thanks to Oxfam as G7 2022 Education Advocacy Working Group co-chair and contributions by the Global Campaign for Education (specifically GCE Germany, GCE-US, Send My Friend to School (UK), GCE Italy, and the GCE Secretariat), the AllAfrica Students Union (AASU), Humanity & Inclusion, Save the Children, Sesame Workshop, Sightsavers, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), the United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI), and the World Food Programme (WFP). This brief has been made possible by support from the ECW Acceleration Facility.