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Learning and resources on gender in education

Gender gaps in education during COVID-19: Data and evidence
UNGEI Factsheet
This factsheet presents a quick summary of data and evidence from developing countries on gender gaps in learning through the Covid-19 pandemic. This national-level evidence can help contextualize data and evidence from global databases and reports which aggregate across countries and demographics. This is especially important for data in the context of Covid-19, as data collection around access and learning was severely hampered. For example, in 2021, school-based mechanisms to track learners from vulnerable groups not returning to school were only reported by approximately a third of countries,...
This factsheet presents a quick summary of data and evidence from developing countries on gender gaps in learning through the Covid-19 pandemic. This national-level evidence can help contextualize data and evidence from global databases and reports which aggregate across countries and demographics. This is especially important for data in the context of Covid-19, as data collection around access and learning was severely hampered. For example, in 2021, school-based mechanisms to track learners from vulnerable groups not returning to school were only reported by approximately a third of countries, and only upper-middle and high-income countries frequently reported used of these measures. This summary sheet presents national data collected by ministries, UN agencies and citizen-led assessments. Bringing together data and evidence from a diversity of actors is crucial to respond with locally-relevant programmes and policies.