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Driving progress for gender equality in and through education
Our mission
Harnessing the power of collective action, the UNGEI partnership is on a mission to close the gender gap in education and unlock its transformative power for every girl, everywhere. We champion the rights of girls to a quality education in a safe and gender-sensitive learning environment and hold the international community to account for commitments made to gender equality in and through education.
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We build and harness evidence
As a global authority on gender in education, UNGEI promotes evidence-based solutions to drive progress for gender equality in and through education. By facilitating research and developing resources for the sharing of good practice we strive to strengthen the evidence base on what works in girls’ education and gender equality. Harnessing this evidence, we work to catalyse commitment to accelerate progress towards the gender and education targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals.
We advocate
Using our collective voice, the UNGEI partnership champions gender equality in and through education. Through global summits, regional workshops, digital platforms and more, we partner with youth activists, educators and ally organizations to raise awareness, engage in policy dialogue and promote proven approaches to advance our shared vision. Rooted in evidence of what works, our advocacy agenda focuses on amplifying key messages, influencing policy and driving investment to accelerate progress in girls’ education and gender equality. Our key advocacy areas include:
We speak out for every child’s right to 12 years of quality education. To accelerate progress we need to put the furthest behind first: marginalised girls. And to #LeaveNoGirlBehind we need a whole system, partnership approach.
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School-related gender-based violence impacts millions of students globally. Only when schools are safe and gender-sensitive spaces can all children fulfil their right to a quality education. Will you stand with us to #EndSRGBV?
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Education can play a critical role in driving progress for gender equality. But only when gender equality is at the heart of education can it deliver on its gender transformative power. We’re on a mission to #Educate4Equality.
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Youth activists are working together to transform education for gender equality. They have demands that must be heard. They are leading the change. We stand in solidarity with our Youth Leads community. Will you join us?
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We connect and collaborate
Leveraging the power of partnership is at the heart of everything we do. We connect people, governments and organizations to drive solutions for gender equality in and through education. By convening, coordinating and mobilizing partners across the world, we facilitate the sharing of knowledge, ideas and resources to advance our shared vision. From grassroots activism to global advocacy, programme coordination to policy dialogue, ours is a legacy of collective action. Our core areas of work include:
By building and coordinating multi stakeholder partnerships, we mobilize advocacy, resources and expertise to support governments to put gender equality at the heart of education systems. To date over 30 countries have been equipped to tackle gender barriers through education sector plans, policies and budgets.
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Breaking barriers for girls’ education in crisis situations, where gender inequalities are most acute, is a critical part of our work. By developing practical tools, convening and supporting partners with technical expertise, we’re helping to ensure education programming in crisis-affected contexts is gender-responsive by design.
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As a partnership UNGEI plays a key role in facilitating the sharing and exchange of evidence-based solutions to strengthen effective programming for gender equality in education. The Good Practice Fund documents a range of interventions which promote gender-responsive approaches leading to better learning and life outcomes, especially for girls.
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As co-host of the Global Working Group to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence, UNGEI coordinates a coalition of over 50 organizations with a shared commitment to making schools safe and gender-sensitive spaces. Through evidence-building, tool development and joint advocacy members are calling attention to how gender-based violence can be eliminated in and around schools.
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We partner with youth
Young people are essential partners and leaders in the movement for gender equality in and through education. We support their meaningful participation through intergenerational collaboration, knowledge sharing and youth leadership. In all these ways, we work collaboratively to hold space for young activists to transform education for gender equality, shifting traditional power dynamics by working with youth-led networks as partners to drive progress for our shared mission.
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Directions past, present and future
With over two decades of experience now behind us, we’ve learned a lot along the way about what it takes to advance girls’ education and gender equality. To find out more about our vision, objectives and work as a partnership, we invite you to explore the UNGEI Strategic Directions (2018-2023) and Annual Review.