Knowledge Hub
Learning and resources on gender in education

Stemming Pandemic-Related Losses in Girls’ Education: Promising Practices from the AMPLIFY Collective
In October 2020, AMPLIFY undertook a four-country qualitative study in East Africa to hear from girls about the challenges they faced during the pandemic in both accessing learning and returning to school. Girls universally cited increasing situations of economic hardship driving various forms of sexual and economic exploitation. Few girls were able to meaningfully engage with remote learning offered by their schools or governments, and many girls in the study had failed to return to school and became pregnant. Overwhelmingly, the study found that during school closures, girls...
In October 2020, AMPLIFY undertook a four-country qualitative study in East Africa to hear from girls about the challenges they faced during the pandemic in both accessing learning and returning to school. Girls universally cited increasing situations of economic hardship driving various forms of sexual and economic exploitation. Few girls were able to meaningfully engage with remote learning offered by their schools or governments, and many girls in the study had failed to return to school and became pregnant. Overwhelmingly, the study found that during school closures, girls experienced complex and layered forms of vulnerabilities which led to feelings of isolation, hopelessness and protracted trauma. Girls were also asked for recommendations on what could be done to support them. In this report, we focus on girls’ recommendations for action, and synthesize six categories of priority interventions that should be undertaken to return girls to school, and prevent further dropout.