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All the key terms you need to understand when preparing for Gender Transformative Education, quickly and effectively.

What is Solidarity?


Solidarity is  feeling and acting in support of a collective group, based on  trust. It is based on grounding in shared values and commitments. . Solidarity aims to pull together diverse groups into a unified movement while recognizing that individuals may be situated in different social positions of power and privilege.

Gender transformative education can promote solidarity between and across gender, race, ability and class as individuals learn and appreciate the inter-connectedness and interdependance of lives.


De Lissovoy, N., & Brown, A. L. (2013). Antiracist solidarity in critical education: Contemporary problems and possibilities. The Urban Review, 45, 539-560.

Fletcher, B., & Gapasin, F. (2008). Solidarity divided: The crisis in organized labor and a new path toward social justice. Univ of California Press.

Mohanty, C. T. (2003). “Under western eyes” revisited: Feminist solidarity through anticapitalist struggles. Signs: Journal of Women in culture and Society, 28(2), 499-535. 

Liu, R., & Shange, S. (2018). Toward thick solidarity: Theorizing empathy in social justice movements. Radical History Review, 2018(131), 189-198.

Sweetman, C. (2013). Introduction, feminist solidarity and collective action. Gender & Development, 21(2), 217-229.

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