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Reports & summaries

Still left behind

Pathways to inclusive education for girls with disabilities

Girls with disabilities are among the world’s most marginalized groups of society, resulting from social norms and cultural bias around gender and disability. Those agencies committed to gender equity in education overlook the specific situation of and added barriers faced by girls and women with disabilities, and those who are committed to disability inclusion and equity fail to apply a gender perspective. As a result, girls with disabilities have limited educational opportunities. The aim of this research report is to provide a synthesis of the understanding of barriers...

Girls with disabilities are among the world’s most marginalized groups of society, resulting from social norms and cultural bias around gender and disability. Those agencies committed to gender equity in education overlook the specific situation of and added barriers faced by girls and women with disabilities, and those who are committed to disability inclusion and equity fail to apply a gender perspective. As a result, girls with disabilities have limited educational opportunities. The aim of this research report is to provide a synthesis of the understanding of barriers to education for girls with disabilities and bring together evidence of effective or promising programme approaches that address these barriers.

Region: Global
Country: N/A
Subtheme: Disability
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Reports & summaries
PDF, 56p
Source: N/A

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