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Learning and resources on gender in education

Recherche participative sur le genre et l’éducation inclusive en Afrique de l’Ouest
This presentation was delivered during a webinar "Gender and disability inclusion in education: evidence from West and Central Africa" organized by UNGEI, IIEP-UNESCO, UNICEF, Sightsavers and Humanity & Inclusion. The presenter was Margo Greenwood, Senior Research Associate, Sightsavers.
The contents of the presentation on Sightsavers' qualitative research:
- The research (Sierra Leone, Cameroon and Senegal)
- What they (children, parents and teachers) experience as barriers to participation
- What being included and excluded in daily life looks like for them
- Their successes and challenges
- Their ideas for change
- How they are experiencing the interventions
- The findings
- Gender perceptions around disability
- School and classroom environment
- Peer relationships
- Parental and community attitudes
- The way forward
- What does this research add?
Author: N/A
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Content category: Publication
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Source: N/A
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Equitable and Inclusive education