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Guidance, manuals & handbooks

Tipping Point

Facilitator’s manual for intergroup dialogues

CARE’s Tipping Point initiative focuses on addressing the root causes of child, early and forced marriage (CEFM), by promoting the rights of adolescent girls through community level programming and evidence generation in Nepal and Bangladesh, and multi-level advocacy and cross- learning efforts across the globe. This Facilitator’s Manual has been designed for a specific participant group as part of the Tipping Point initiative. The core intervention package spans 18 months, consisting of 45 sessions in total, e.g., no more than one session a week and not overlapping with national holidays, school exams, and other context-related events.

Author: N/A
Publication year:
Language: English
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Guidance, manuals & handbooks
PDF, 33p
Source: Download

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