Knowledge Hub
Learning and resources on gender in education

Reports & summaries
Thematic report on LGBTI+ youth in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan from the Global consultation on the inclusive education and access to health of LGBTI+ youth around the world
Paris: MAG Jeunes LGBT, with the support of UNESCO
This summary report represents the first time that qualitative information has been collected on this scale covering the inclusion and exclusion experiences of the world’s LGBTI+ youth. This data collection and the forthcoming final report present the voices and visions of LGBTI+ children and young people in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, and assists in the creation of a roadmap on how to make the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development more inclusive in human rights recognition, with a special focus on Sustainable Development Goals 4 (quality education) and 3 (good health and wellbeing).
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Education policies and strategies