Knowledge Hub
Learning and resources on gender in education

Information. Support. Connection
How are young people engaging with digital spaces to learn about bodies, sex and relationships?
There is no doubt that young people aged 15 to 24 years old are increasingly connected to and engaged with digital spaces. This research aims to further shed light on young people’s (aged 10-24) engagement with digital spaces for obtaining information and education about bodies, sex and relationships. The study primarily investigated young people’s engagement with and experience of digital spaces to access sexuality education and information. This report presents the results of a global survey completed by almost 4,000 young people from around the world, as well...
There is no doubt that young people aged 15 to 24 years old are increasingly connected to and engaged with digital spaces. This research aims to further shed light on young people’s (aged 10-24) engagement with digital spaces for obtaining information and education about bodies, sex and relationships. The study primarily investigated young people’s engagement with and experience of digital spaces to access sexuality education and information. This report presents the results of a global survey completed by almost 4,000 young people from around the world, as well as a series of focus group discussions carried out in fivecountries. It provides insight into how young people are using digital spaces to find answers to their questions, and their experiences in doing so.