Knowledge Hub
Learning and resources on gender in education

Gender-based violence in primary schools: Jamaica
GBV is not removed from the context of Jamaica’s school system. In fact, school-age boys and girls have had their share of encounters with sexual, psychological, emotional, and verbal abuse. The situation is perpetuated in formalized systems such as the education system because it is one of the largest formal systems that requires the interaction of both genders. Specific interventions have been geared toward achieving gender equity and resocialization of students to enable boys and girls to coexist in a peaceful and nonthreatening manner. Several national initiatives and...
GBV is not removed from the context of Jamaica’s school system. In fact, school-age boys and girls have had their share of encounters with sexual, psychological, emotional, and verbal abuse. The situation is perpetuated in formalized systems such as the education system because it is one of the largest formal systems that requires the interaction of both genders. Specific interventions have been geared toward achieving gender equity and resocialization of students to enable boys and girls to coexist in a peaceful and nonthreatening manner. Several national initiatives and programs to ensure school safety and security—including a violence prevention program, a national safe school program, and a behavior modification program—have been implemented in a bid to provide a socially responsive environment at both the school and community levels.