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GCI Baseline Study Country Level Report - Chad
The Gender at the Centre Initiative (GCI) aims to mobilize the advocacy, resources, and expertise needed to support governments to accelerate progress in gender equality, in and through education. With support from four of the G7 donors and a multi-stakeholder partnership, Chad is one of eight partner countries in sub-Saharan Africa where the GCI will be implemented. Specifically, the initiative will focus primarily on ensuring that country-owned interventions, strategies and plans are financed, implemented and monitored for sustainable results. To this effect, a baseline study was conducted from October...
The Gender at the Centre Initiative (GCI) aims to mobilize the advocacy, resources, and expertise needed to support governments to accelerate progress in gender equality, in and through education. With support from four of the G7 donors and a multi-stakeholder partnership, Chad is one of eight partner countries in sub-Saharan Africa where the GCI will be implemented. Specifically, the initiative will focus primarily on ensuring that country-owned interventions, strategies and plans are financed, implemented and monitored for sustainable results. To this effect, a baseline study was conducted from October 2020 to March 2021.
This report presents current gender equality-related findings for Chad, representing one of eight country reports within the broader global baseline study for GCI. This country report for Chad includes: (1) A snapshot of the key gender- and education- related issues in the country; and (2) the results of baseline data collection for each of the various outcome-level indicators outlined in GCI’s performance measurement framework (PMF). Key conclusions emerging from the results of the baseline data collection are presented in the global baseline study report.