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Learning and resources on gender in education

Guidance, manuals & handbooks

Ending corporal and humiliating punishments

A manual to inform and empower fathers, mothers and caregivers of children

The Ending Corporal and Humiliating Punishments manual was developed for staff that work with, or would like to work with, families on the issue of child raising. The manual includes a range of ideas, recommendations, activities and exercises to assist those who work with fathers, mothers and caregivers of children ages 0 to 12, to encourage people to reflect on and even change their concepts, behaviour and attitudes on how to raise and educate children. The resource can be used by staff in different settings, such as in community groups, schools, churches and elsewhere.

Publication year:
Language: English
Region: Global
Country: N/A
Subtheme: N/A
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Guidance, manuals & handbooks
PDF, 74p
Source: Download

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