Knowledge Hub
Learning and resources on gender in education
Elimination of early marriage
A toolkit for NGOs, community workers and teachers
Developed by Breakthrough, this toolkit is a training module to raise awareness of early marriage among non-governmental organisations, community workers, and teachers in India, and build their capacity to address the issue. It offers a detailed outline for various sessions, discussion topics and exercises about early marriage. Designed for an Indian context, the content of this toolkit is relevant to any organisation working on social norm change at the community level.This toolkit has been designed considering easy usage by any facilitator and broadly targets two sets of audiences,...
Developed by Breakthrough, this toolkit is a training module to raise awareness of early marriage among non-governmental organisations, community workers, and teachers in India, and build their capacity to address the issue. It offers a detailed outline for various sessions, discussion topics and exercises about early marriage. Designed for an Indian context, the content of this toolkit is relevant to any organisation working on social norm change at the community level.This toolkit has been designed considering easy usage by any facilitator and broadly targets two sets of audiences, the NGO or communitylevel staff, and workers and teachers. This is a 2-day module, which caters to but is not exclusive to NGOs and community-level workers.