Knowledge Hub
Learning and resources on gender in education

Technical notes & briefs
The Africa Regional SGBV Network Learning Brief Series
Fostering a multisectoral response to violence against children in East and Southern Africa learning updates from South Africa (Brief 1)
From 2011-2012, according to crime statistics, 40 percent of all sexual offences in South Africa involved children as victims. Over half of the rape cases reported to a victim empowerment programme in rural Vhembe were children below the age of 18. The Africa Regional Sexual and Gender Based Violence Network, set up in 2006, is addressing violence against children in four countries. This Learning Brief is one in a series of five that share critical, initial understandings of violence against children that will help stakeholders respond more effectively to the problem.
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Technical notes & briefs
PDF, 3p
Source: N/A
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