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Learning and resources on gender in education

Guidance, manuals & handbooks

Gender-sensitieve Preventie en Aanpak van Gedragsproblemen: Workbook

Student behavioural issues often linked to vulnerable home environments can lead to truancy and an increased risk of early school leaving or expulsion related to unhealthy and unsafe sex, transactional sex, violent relationships etc. This workbook accompanies the Gender-sensitieve Preventie en Aanpak van Gedragsproblemen training manual. It is designed to help teachers and school leaders create safe and gender-sensitive learning environments in which behavioural issues can be met with a proper response.

Author: N/A
Publication year:
Language: Dutch
Country: Suriname
Subtheme: N/A
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Guidance, manuals & handbooks
PDF, 161p
Source: N/A

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