Global Education Summit Side Events
UNGEI and Partners
Global Education Summit #GES2021
This summer, the Global Education Summit: Financing GPE 2021-2025 is taking place on July 28 and 29, 2021. The UNGEI partnership and ally organizations are joining forces to launch a series of side events, ensuring our most pressing priorities on gender equality and education are at the forefront of this important global platform.
We are committed to amplifying our voice and supporting the GPE case for investment in gender equality and girls’ education. Our side events will be creative, intergenerational, solution-focused and collaborative. Join us!

Transforming social norms to end child marriage and advance girls' education
Organizers: UN Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI) and Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage*
Date and time: 20 July | 1pm Ouagadougou | 2pm Lagos | 4pm Nairobi
This event will also be re-streamed as part of the Girls' Education Day programme.
*Co-funded by Education Out Loud.

Gender-responsive and disability inclusive education for all
Organizers: Leonard Cheshire, Sightsavers, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), the World Bank, GCE-US, UN Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI).
Date and time: 21 July | 2pm BST

Our Resistance & Resilience - Financing youth & student education agendas
Organizers: Global Campaign for Education, UNGEI, ASPBAE, Transform Education (young feminist coalition hosted by UNGEI), Global Student Forum, NGEI, ESU, SAIH, GSF, MELAC, ACEA, NCE Nepal.
Date and time: 24 July | 12pm BST

Power Shift: Re-Stream
Organizers: UN Girls' Education Initiative (UNGEI)
Date and time: 26 July | 15:00 BST

Girls' Education Day
Organizers: Girls' Education Challenge, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
Date and time: 26 July, all day

Artists as key influencers in getting more girls to school post-COVID-19
Organizers: AU/CIEFFA, UN Girls' Education Initiative
Date and time: 26 July | 1pm BST

Gender transformative education: the key to achieving a more just and inclusive world
Organizers: UNICEF, UNGEI and Plan International
Date and time: 26 July | 16:00 BST
Streaming live as part of the Girls' Education Day programme.

Real Talk: Teachers and Young People as Drivers of Change on CSE and SRGBV
Organizers: Plan International, UNESCO, Education International, UNGEI Secretariat, Transform Education (young feminist coalition hosted by UNGEI)
Date and time: 27 July | 14:00 BST