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Learning and resources on gender in education

La educación de las niñas en el marco de las estrategias climáticas
Oportunidades para mejorar las políticas e intensificar las acciones en las Contribuciones Determinadas a Nivel Nacional
Climate change is the most significant intergenerational equity issue of our time. Children and future generations are bearing, and will continue to bear, the brunt of its impact on a polluted, degraded planet. The social and regional impacts of climate change are not distributed equally or evenly, and this inequality increases vulnerability. This paper looks at how the intersecting vulnerabilities of age and gender shape the impact of climate change on girls and young women in particular and asks two questions: 1. Do climate strategies include adequate attention...
Climate change is the most significant intergenerational equity issue of our time. Children and future generations are bearing, and will continue to bear, the brunt of its impact on a polluted, degraded planet. The social and regional impacts of climate change are not distributed equally or evenly, and this inequality increases vulnerability. This paper looks at how the intersecting vulnerabilities of age and gender shape the impact of climate change on girls and young women in particular and asks two questions: 1. Do climate strategies include adequate attention to social protection, and the inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable groups? 2. Do climate strategies include sufficient attention to girls’ education, specifically, and to inclusive, quality, gender-transformative education, more broadly? Based on an analysis of 160 Nationally Determined Contributions country-level climate strategies to reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change and thirteen National Adaptation Plans, the answer is no. The findings suggest countries have a long way to go.