End School-Related Gender-Based Violence
Resources to help eliminate SRGBV
A dedicated resource centre to help end school-related gender-based violence
Powered by the Global Working Group to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV), this resource hub provides a wide range of materials designed to guide practice, programming and advocacy efforts to eradicate gender-based violence in schools. Explore the resources by category through the grids below, or take a deep dive into the entire collection by applying filters.
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- #ENDviolence
- 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
- Activism
- Adolescent girls
- Boys and young men
- Bullying
- COVID-19
- Child protection
- Code of conduct
- Community
- Community engagement
- Corporal punishment
- Curriculum
- Cyberbullying
- Data
- Data and evidence
- Data collection
- Discrimination (gender-based)
- Early childhood education
- Early pregnancy
- Education policy
- Education unions
- Emergencies
- Empowerment
- Gender Identity, and Gender Expression (SOGIE)
- Gender equality
- Gender norms
- Gender stereotypes
- Gender-based violence
- Gender-responsive pedagogy
- Gender-responsive strategies
- Gender-transformative education
- Girls' clubs
- Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia (HBT)
- Inclusive education
- Journeys (to school)
- Learning environments
- Life skills
- Masculinities
- Physical violence
- Planning
- Positive discipline
- Prevention
- Primary education
- Programming
- Psychosocial support
- Refugees
- Relationships
- Reporting & referral
- Safe schools
- School violence
- School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV)
- Secondary education
- Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC)
- Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression (SOGIE)
- Sexual orientation
- Sexual violence
- Social norms
- Student behaviour
- Teachers
- Teachers & teaching
- Training
- Violence against children
- Whole School Approach
- Youth
Select by country
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Select by country
- Albania
- Australia
- Bangladesh
- Belarus
- Brazil
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Chile
- China
- Côte D'Ivoire
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Eswatini/Swaziland
- Ethiopia
- France
- Ghana
- Greece
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- India
- Indonesia
- Ireland
- Jamaica
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Lao
- Lebanon
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Moldova
- Mongolia
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Papua New Guinea
- Peru
- Philippines
- Russian Federation
- Senegal
- Sierra Leone
- South Africa
- South Sudan
- Spain
- Suriname
- Tanzania
- Thailand
- Togo
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States of America
- Viet Nam
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
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School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV)