Virtual Power Shift
Young activists around the world are calling for action to build back equal, inclusive and greener in education. It’s time to shift the power and ensure that no one is left behind.
In the lead up to the G7 Leaders’ Summit on 11-13 June 2021, Transform Education, the GCE Youth Constituency, CYGEN, Restless Development and OSGEY are joining forces to convene a global Power Shift on 7th June 2021. Power Shift is a youth-led global virtual event that centres young feminist voices and experiences to mobilize and demand concrete action on gender equality and education by G7 governments.

2 June 2021, London - Transform Education (a young feminist coalition hosted by the UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI), the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) Youth Constituency, Commonwealth Youth and Gender Equality Network (CYGEN), Restless Development and the Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth (OSGEY) are joining forces to convene a global Power Shift on 7th June 2021.
After a year of interrupted education due to the COVID-19 pandemic, youth around the world are coming together to ensure that no one is behind in education. As Heads of State prepare to meet for the G7 Leaders’ Summit on 11-13 June 2021, children and youth activists are calling on leaders to use their power to stand for youth voices, stand in solidarity with youth, and stand up so that youth can take a seat at the table.
“We have the knowledge, we have the numbers, we have the lived experiences, now it is time to have our voices heard. We must be seen as equal partners to co-create a resilient education system that works for us and that centres gender equality.” - Yande, 17, Zambia, Co-Chair of Transform Education
Power Shift is a youth-led global virtual event that will centre young feminist voices and experiences to mobilize and demand concrete action on gender equality and education by G7 governments. This powerful coalition of 1000+ young activists is calling on leaders to:
- invest in girls’ education as part of the global COVID-19 recovery;
- reverse aid cuts impacting girl’s education;
- prioritise safe, gender-responsive and inclusive schools;
- implement an accountability framework to ensure that education needs of girls’ are met; and
- provide adequate and flexible funding for youth activists’ work.
“Education shifts power by ensuring every young person is empowered to achieve their full potential. But 130 million girls worldwide are still deprived of their right to education, and 20 million more might never return to school due to COVID-19. Now, more than ever, we must move beyond platitudes and make concrete commitments, so no girl is left behind! I stand in solidarity with young people demanding a power shift for girls’ education and leadership, and I urge world leaders to listen to and work with youth in building back better from the pandemic.” - Jayathma Wickramanayake, UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth
This Power Shift will put pressure on world leaders to build back equal, inclusive and greener, after a year that caused devastation for young people’s education, rights, and safety. Join the world’s largest youth-led #PowerShift - a gathering where 1000+ young activists will demand G7 leaders to shift the power and resources for girls’ education and leadership.
“Governments around the world have the chance to step up and take action to fund education that challenges gender norms and promotes climate education. With this they have the power to stop the climate emergency and contribute to a more gender-just, peaceful and sustainable world. We no longer want decisions made about us without us.” -Shamah, Philippines, Co-Chair of Transform Education