Accepting applications now! Join our new Feminist Education Coalition
Calling feminist civil society and young feminist activists!
The UNGEI partnership is convening a trailblazing coalition of 21 national and grassroots, feminist CSOs and young activists working to advance gender equality for children, in and through education! This coalition is fired by our belief that your voices, knowledge and experience are critical to global decisions on funding and policy.
- The Feminist Education Coalition will meaningfully work with UNGEI as partners in UNGEI’s 2023 - 2027 Strategic Planning process;
- UNGEI will support, convene and facilitate the meaningful participation and leadership of this coalition in the UN Secretary-General’s Transforming Education Summit (TES)
This Coalition, alongside the UNGEI Global Advisory Committee members, will harness the power of collective action to make a unified impact on TES. The outcomes of this collective action will then influence UNGEI’s 2023-27 Strategic Planning, with the opportunity to establish long-term partnership and collaboration through becoming members of the UNGEI Global Advisory Committee.
Interested in joining this Feminist Education Coalition? Click here to find out more and apply.