Educate for Equality
UNGEI@20 Forum
Educate for Equality
The UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI) was launched 20 years ago by the then United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to promote collective action for girls’ education and gender equality. Now a global partnership of over 30 organizations, this anniversary year is a pivotal moment for our shared mission. At this time of crisis, the need for global partnership to stem the setback to girls’ education and unlock its gender transformative potential has never been greater.
Building on the momentum around the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Educate for Equality - UNGEI@20 Forum explores how education can drive progress in relation to the six action areas identified by the international community as key to advancing gender equality: gender-based violence, economic justice and rights, bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights, feminist action for climate justice, technology and innovation, and feminist movements and leadership.
This dynamic online programme of screenings, workshops and live discussions brings together educationists, gender equality activists and a range of experts from across the world to unpack the issues, answer questions and advocate for specific actions to drive progress for gender equality in and through education. Join us by registering for programme sessions below.

Placing gender equality at the heart of education
Taking stock of progress for gender equality in education over the past 25 years, we join the partners to launch two new reports through a live discussion with female leaders and young women reflecting on how education transforms lives.
Economic justice and rights
Girls’ education is foundational for economic justice and rights. Yet globally, 132 million girls are out of school, and millions more are in school but not gaining the skills needed for entry into the labour market. The question is, how can we work together to change this?
Gender-based violence
Violence is preventable and education can play a critical role in tackling the causes. Yet globally, GBV is commonplace in and around schools, with devastating consequences. What will it take to end it and how can we work together to make this happen?
Bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)
Through comprehensive sexuality education, children and young people can be empowered to make informed choices which drives progress for girls’ bodily autonomy and SRHR. How can we work together to ensure universal free quality sexuality education?

Feminist action for climate justice
Women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change. They also hold the power to strengthen the world’s resilience to it. How can we work together to unlock the potential of education as a catalyst for feminist action for climate justice?

Technology and innovation for gender equality
Too many girls are not acquiring the STEM skills needed for economic empowerment in a world transformed by technology and innovation. What will it take to close the STEM gender gap in education and thus help girls fulfil their leadership potential?

FRIDA + Radical Care: Politicising care to support resilience in young feminist organising
Practicing self and collective care is essential in advancing our collective mission for gender equality in and through education. Yet, often this can be a challenge, especially for young feminist organizing. What will it take to for us to get there and how can we grow a global community of support and solidarity?
Feminist movements and leadership
To empower young women to step up as feminist leaders and movement builders we need a gender transformative approach to education. The question is, what will it take to get there and how can we work together to make it happen?

Open mic
We team up with Slam Out Loud for an open poetry mic featuring young people sharing their experiences, hopes and dreams for gender equality in and through education. Join us in this celebration of the power of artivism to inspire change for a brighter future.