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Driving progress for gender equality in and through education

Our mission

Harnessing the power of collective action, the UNGEI partnership is on a mission to close the gender gap in education and unlock its transformative power for every girl, everywhere. We champion the rights of girls to a quality education in a safe and gender-sensitive learning environment and hold the international community to account for commitments made to gender equality in and through education.french

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We build and harness evidence

As a global authority on gender in education, UNGEI promotes evidence-based solutions to drive progress for gender equality in and through education. By facilitating research and developing resources for the sharing of good practice we strive to strengthen the evidence base on what works in girls’ education and gender equality. Harnessing this evidence, we work to catalyse commitment to accelerate progress towards the gender and education targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals.

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2023 foi um ano crucial para a Iniciativa de Prioridade ao Género (GCI). À medida que aproveitámos as lições aprendidas até agora e concebemos e lançámos a segunda fase (2024-2026), a GCI continuou a expandir o seu impacto na educação transformativa em termos de género para novos países. Ao longo do ano, a comunidade da GCI, incluindo os países parceiros, os doadores e os parceiros da sociedade civil, demonstraram o seu empenho em promover a igualdade de género na educação e através da educação, mesmo em tempos de rápidas mudanças.

Este Relatório Anual da GCI de 2023 oferece uma visão abrangente das atividades do plano de trabalho de 2023 realizadas ao longo do ano, garantindo a transparência e promovendo a responsabilidade mútua no seio da Aliança GCI.

East & Southern Africa,
West & Central Africa
Reports & summaries
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Education sector planning,
Education outcomes,
Gender transformative education,
Gender equality
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L’année 2023 a été une année charnière pour l’Initiative « Priorité à l’égalité » (GCI). Alors qu’elle tirait les leçons apprises à ce jour et qu’elle concevait et lançait la seconde phase (2024-2026), la GCI a continué à étendre son impact sur l’éducation transformatrice de genre à de nouveaux pays. Tout au long de l’année, la communauté GCI, à savoir les pays partenaires, les bailleurs de fonds et les partenaires de la société civile, a démontré son engagement pour faire avancer l’égalité des genres vers, dans et à travers l’éducation, même en cette époque de changement rapide.

Le présent Rapport annuel 2023 de la GCI offre un aperçu complet des activités du programme de travail 2023 menées tout au long de l’année, garantissant la transparence et favorisant la responsabilité mutuelle au sein de l’Alliance GCI.

East & Southern Africa,
West & Central Africa
Reports & summaries
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Education sector planning,
Education outcomes,
Gender transformative education,
Gender equality
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2023 was a pivotal year for the Gender at the Centre Initiative (GCI), as we drew on the lessons learnt and designed and launched the second phase (2024-2026), GCI continued to expand its impact on gender transformative education to new countries. Throughout the year the GCI community, including partner countries, donors and civil society partners, demonstrated their commitment to advancing gender equality in and through education, even amid times of rapid change. 

This 2023 GCI Annual Report offers a comprehensive overview of the 2023 work plan activities conducted throughout the year, ensuring transparency and fostering mutual accountability within the GCI Alliance.

East & Southern Africa,
West & Central Africa
Reports & summaries
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Education sector planning,
Education outcomes,
Gender transformative education,
Gender equality
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Dans le cadre du soutien du Ministère fédéral allemand de la Coopération économique et du Développement (BMZ) à L’initiative Priorité à l’égalite (GCI), UNGEI, la GIZ, UNICEF et Gender at Work ont coorganisée un atelier d’apprentissage multi-pays sur la Planification Sectorielle de l’Éducation Sensible au Genre (GRESP) du 5 au 8 décembre 2023 à Dakar, au Sénégal. La session s’est appuyée sur les expériences des pays de la GCI (Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria) et des pays non-membres de la GCI (République centrafricaine, République du Congo, Égypte, Libéria, Malawi) pour un apprentissage mutuel sur l’intégration de l’égalité des sexes dans la planification du secteur de l’éducation, avec un accent particulier sur le processus de partenariat avec le GPE.

East & Southern Africa,
West & Central Africa,
Middle East & North Africa
Reports & summaries
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Education sector planning
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As part of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) support to the Gender at the Centre Initiative (GCI), UNGEI, GIZ, UNICEF, and Gender at Work co-organized a multi-country learning meeting on gender-responsive education sector planning (GRESP) from 5 to 8 December 2023 in Dakar, Senegal. The meeting drew on the experiences of GCI countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria) and non-GCI countries (Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Liberia, Malawi) for mutual learning on the integration of gender equality in education sector planning, with a specific focus on the GPE partnership process. This report outlines the activities and outcomes of the meeting. 

East & Southern Africa,
West & Central Africa,
Middle East & North Africa
Reports & summaries
pdf, p16
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Education sector planning
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From 2020 to 2023, GCI has been promoting gender-transformative education in eight focus countries in Africa—Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. GCI is jointly coordinated by UNGEI and UNESCO-IIEP and implemented through a multi-stakeholder partnership of education ministries, a civil society consortium, G7 donors, technical partners and AU/CIEFFA. UNICEF is a key technical and implementing partner within the initiative. As GCI transitions into its fourth year and kick-starts its second phase, UNICEF country offices will get the opportunity to learn from the initiative’s experiences and evidence and receive support to implement the GCI programmatic package.

West & Central Africa,
Middle East & North Africa,
East & Southern Africa
Program Package for UNICEF Country Offices
Factsheets & briefing notes
pdf, p2
Strategic planning and programme design
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The Gender at the Centre Initiative (GCI) aims to mobilize the advocacy, resources, and expertise needed to support governments in eight participating countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone) to accelerate progress in gender equality, in and through education. Specifically, the Initiative will focus primarily on ensuring that country-owned interventions, strategies, and plans are financed, implemented, and monitored for sustainable results. To this effect, the draft GCI global Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) was refined in October 2020, establishing confirmed results statements and indicators. This  global baseline report (country-level baseline reports are available for each of the eight GCI participating countries, on the GCI webpage) summarizes key findings for each indicator, and highlights emerging implications for future GCI monitoring and reporting.

West & Central Africa,
East & Southern Africa
Global Level Report
Reports & summaries
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Education sector planning
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O boletim informativo GCI partilha resultados, actividades, destaques e actualizações da "Gender at the Centre Initiative", coordenada conjuntamente pelo IIPE-UNESCO e pela UNGEI.

Leaflets & brochures
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Education sector planning,
Social & gender norms,
Sustainable Development Goals
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Ce bulletin présente les résultats, les activités et les mises à jour de l'initiative "Gender at the Centre" (GCI), coordonnée conjointement par l'IIPE-UNESCO et l'UNGEI.

Leaflets & brochures
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Education sector planning,
Social & gender norms,
Sustainable Development Goals
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The GCI newsletter shares results, activities, highlights and updates from the Gender at the Centre Initiative, jointly coordinated by IIEP-UNESCO and UNGEI.

Leaflets & brochures
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Education sector planning,
Social & gender norms,
Sustainable Development Goals
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From pivotal events like the Feminist Network for Gender Transformative Education to impactful workshops in Mali, Senegal, and Niger, read our 2023 results and reflections.

Reports & summaries
PDF, 15p
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End Gender Stereotypes,
Educate for Equality,
Gender at the Centre,
Youth Leads,
Transform Education,
Educate for Equality,
Youth Leads
Gender transformative education,
Gender equality
Cover image PDF
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L’Initiative « Priorité à l’égalité » (GCI) est un programme novateur qui travaille avec les gouvernements, la société civile, les jeunes activistes féministes et les acteurs locaux pour faire avancer l’égalité des genres dans et à travers l’éducation. L’initiative renforce les capacités techniques en matière d’égalité des genres, favorise la volonté politique et soutient la transformation des normes de genre néfastes. Coordonnée conjointement par l’UNGEI et l’IIPE-UNESCO, la GCI est actuellement mise en oeuvre dans huit pays d’Afrique subsaharienne (Burkina Faso, Tchad, Mali, Mauritanie, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria et Sierra Leone). Par son modèle de partenariat unique, dite « Alliance GCI », la GCI crée un mouvement social en faveur de l’éducation transformatrice pour l’égalité des genres. La vision de la GCI est de faire connaître cette initiative à davantage de pays, et ce faisant, de renforcer les systèmes éducatifs, de sorte que toutes les filles et tous les garçons bénéficient d’une éducation complète, de haute qualité et transformatrice pour l’égalité des genres.

Sierra Leone,
Burkina Faso,
Gender at the Centre
L’approche systémique à l’éducation transformatrice de genre
Policy & advocacy briefs
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Gender-based violence,
Child marriage,
Female genital mutilation (FGM),
School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV),
Primary & secondary education,
Education outcomes
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We advocate

Using our collective voice, the UNGEI partnership champions gender equality in and through education. Through global summits, regional workshops, digital platforms and more, we partner with youth activists, educators and ally organizations to raise awareness, engage in policy dialogue and promote proven approaches to advance our shared vision. Rooted in evidence of what works, our advocacy agenda focuses on amplifying key messages, influencing policy and driving investment to accelerate progress in girls’ education and gender equality. Our key advocacy areas include:

We speak out for every child’s right to 12 years of quality education. To accelerate progress we need to put the furthest behind first: marginalised girls. And to #LeaveNoGirlBehind we need a whole system, partnership approach.

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School-related gender-based violence impacts millions of students globally. Only when schools are safe and gender-sensitive spaces can all children fulfil their right to a quality education. Will you stand with us to #EndSRGBV?

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Education can play a critical role in driving progress for gender equality. But only when gender equality is at the heart of education can it deliver on its gender transformative power. We’re on a mission to #Educate4Equality.

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Youth activists are working together to transform education for gender equality. They have demands that must be heard. They are leading the change. We stand in solidarity with our Youth Leads community. Will you join us?

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We connect and collaborate

Leveraging the power of partnership is at the heart of everything we do. We connect people, governments and organizations to drive solutions for gender equality in and through education. By convening, coordinating and mobilizing partners across the world, we facilitate the sharing of knowledge, ideas and resources to advance our shared vision. From grassroots activism to global advocacy, programme coordination to policy dialogue, ours is a legacy of collective action. Our core areas of work include:

By building and coordinating multi stakeholder partnerships, we mobilize advocacy, resources and expertise to support governments to put gender equality at the heart of education systems. To date over 30 countries have been equipped to tackle gender barriers through education sector plans, policies and budgets.

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Breaking barriers for girls’ education in crisis situations, where gender inequalities are most acute, is a critical part of our work. By developing practical tools, convening and supporting partners with technical expertise, we’re helping to ensure education programming in crisis-affected contexts is gender-responsive by design.

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As a partnership UNGEI plays a key role in facilitating the sharing and exchange of evidence-based solutions to strengthen effective programming for gender equality in education. The Good Practice Fund documents a range of interventions which promote gender-responsive approaches leading to better learning and life outcomes, especially for girls.

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As co-host of the Global Working Group to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence, UNGEI coordinates a coalition of over 50 organizations with a shared commitment to making schools safe and gender-sensitive spaces. Through evidence-building, tool development and joint advocacy members are calling attention to how gender-based violence can be eliminated in and around schools.

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We partner with youth

Young people are essential partners and leaders in the movement for gender equality in and through education. We support their meaningful participation through intergenerational collaboration, knowledge sharing and youth leadership. In all these ways, we work collaboratively to hold space for young activists to transform education for gender equality, shifting traditional power dynamics by working with youth-led networks as partners to drive progress for our shared mission.

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Directions past, present and future

With over two decades of experience now behind us, we’ve learned a lot along the way about what it takes to advance girls’ education and gender equality. To find out more about our vision, objectives and work as a partnership, we invite you to explore the UNGEI Strategic Directions (2018-2023) and Annual Review.

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