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Comment renforcer et améliorer le suivi régulier de la violence scolaire fondée sur l'orientation sexuelle et l'identité ou l'expression de genre dans les enquêtes internationales et nationales

This technical brief aims to strengthen the routine monitoring of school violence that is based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression (SOGIE). The brief provides recommendations on questions to capture data on the sexual orientation or gender identity of students and questions to capture data on school violence that is specifically based on SOGIE. The audience for this technical brief is monitoring and evaluation specialists who manage institutional surveys at the international and national level, policymakers in the education sector and researchers who investigate school violence,...

Also available in: English

This technical brief aims to strengthen the routine monitoring of school violence that is based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression (SOGIE). The brief provides recommendations on questions to capture data on the sexual orientation or gender identity of students and questions to capture data on school violence that is specifically based on SOGIE. The audience for this technical brief is monitoring and evaluation specialists who manage institutional surveys at the international and national level, policymakers in the education sector and researchers who investigate school violence, including against young LGBTI people and students who are perceived as gender non-conforming.

Author: N/A
Publication year:
Language: English, French
Content category: Publication
Resource type:
Technical notes & briefs
Format: N/A
Source: Download

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